Running Form Rewired Coaching Method

Studies have shown that running form analysis, or gait analysis, helps runners and athletes in their performance by:

  • Identifying movement patterns of the feet, legs, hips, and arms causing stresses on the joints and resulting in pain and injury.

  • Improving your minute/mile pace.

  • Increasing running efficiency.

  • Expediting injury recovery.

  • Developing strength and power in the running muscles.

Listen to the video below about how the Running Form Rewired Coaching Method is the ultimate coaching system to get you running faster, longer, and further than you have in your life anywhere.

Here are some examples of what we can discover with your running form that will get you faster while reducing runner's pain and expediting your injury recovery in weeks, not months or years:


Foot contact time

Knee location

Foot strike type

Poor body positioning

Arm swing issues

leg swing deficiency

and more

Online Running Form Analysis